Source code for ananke.estimation.empirical_plugin

import functools
import logging
from collections import ChainMap

from pgmpy.factors.discrete import DiscreteFactor, TabularCPD

from ananke.inference.variable_elimination import variable_elimination

from ..graphs import ADMG, DAG

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def compute_district_factor(graph: ADMG, obs_dist, fixing_order): """ Compute the interventional distribution associated with a district (or equivalently, its fixing order) :param graph: Graph representing the problem :type graph: ananke.ADMG :param obs_dist: Probability distribution corresponding to the graph :type obs_dist: pgmpy.discrete.DiscreteFactor :param fixing_order: A fixing sequence for the implied district D """ new_graph = graph.copy() curr_factor = obs_dist f"implied district is {set(graph.vertices) - set(fixing_order)}" ) for var in fixing_order: non_descendants = list( set(new_graph.vertices) - set(new_graph.descendants(var)) )"fixing by q({var}|{', '.join(non_descendants)})") div_joint = curr_factor.marginalize( set(new_graph.descendants(var)) - {var}, inplace=False ) if non_descendants: div_cond = div_joint.marginalize([var], inplace=False) div_factor = div_joint.divide(div_cond, inplace=False) else: div_factor = div_joint new_graph = new_graph.fix(var) curr_factor = curr_factor.divide(div_factor, inplace=False) return curr_factor
[docs]def get_obs_dist_from_net(net, graph): return variable_elimination(net, graph.vertices)
[docs]def estimate_effect_from_discrete_dist( oid, obs_dist, treatment_dict, outcome_dict ): """ Performs the ID algorithm to identify a causal effect given a discrete probability distribution representing the observed data distribution. :param oid: Ananke OneLineID object :type oid: OneLineID :param obs_dist: observed data distribution :param treatment_dict: dictionary of treatment variables and values :param outcome_dict: dictionary of outcome variables and values """ if not return None factors = list() for district in sorted(oid.Gystar.districts): fixing_order = oid.fixing_orders[tuple(district)] factors.append( compute_district_factor(oid.graph, obs_dist, fixing_order) ) intervened_distribution = functools.reduce( (lambda first, last: first.product(last, inplace=False)), factors ) # construct the variable tuples here using itertools.product (Y* - Y) with A = a summed_vars = oid.ystar - set(outcome_dict) # compute the causal effect causal_effect = intervened_distribution.marginalize( summed_vars, inplace=False ).get_value(**dict(ChainMap(treatment_dict, outcome_dict))) return causal_effect