Source code for ananke.graphs.ig

Class for Intrinsic Graphs (IGs) -- a mixed graph used to compute intrinsic sets
of an ADMG in polynomial time.

import itertools
import logging

from .graph import Graph

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IG(Graph): def __init__(self, admg): """ Constructor. :param admg: ADMG object to calculate intrinsic sets for. """ self.admg = admg self.iset_cadmg_map = ( {} ) # dictionary mapping intrinsic sets to the reachable CADMG self.iset_fixing_order_map = {} super().__init__() # the IG is initialized with vertices corresponding to # reachable closures of singletons (these are guaranteed to be intrinsic) for v in admg.vertices: if not admg.vertices[v].fixed: rc, fixing_order, G = self.admg.reachable_closure([v]) rc = frozenset(rc) self.add_vertex(rc) self.iset_cadmg_map[rc] = G self.iset_fixing_order_map[rc] = fixing_order # add di/bi edges that fulfill subset relation for i in self.vertices: if i < rc: self.add_diedge(i, rc) elif rc < i: self.add_diedge(rc, i) if not ( i in self.ancestors([rc]) or rc in self.ancestors([i]) ) and self.bidirected_connected(i, rc): self.add_biedge(i, rc)
[docs] def bidirected_connected(self, s1, s2): """ Check if two sets are bidirected connected in the original ADMG :param s1: First set corresponding to a vertex in the IG. :param s2: Second set corresponding to a vertex in the IG. :return: boolean corresponding to connectedness. """ possible_endpoints = itertools.product(*[s1, s2]) for combination in possible_endpoints: if self.admg.has_biedge(*combination): return True return False
[docs] def maintain_subset_relation(self, s): """ Add di edges to a newly inserted vertex s so as to maintain the subset relation. :param s: Frozenset corresponding to the new vertex. :return: None. """ for i in self.vertices: if i < s: self.add_diedge(i, s) elif s < i: self.add_diedge(s, i)
[docs] def add_new_biedges(self, s): """ Naive O(``|I(G)|`` choose 2) implementation. Must ensure that biedges not added to ancestors. :param s: Frozen set corresponding to the new vertex. :return: None. """ ancestors_s = self.ancestors([s]) for i in self.vertices: if i not in ancestors_s and self.bidirected_connected(i, s): self.add_biedge(i, s)
[docs] def merge(self, s1, s2): """ Merge operation on two sets s1 and s2 to give a (possibly) new intrinsic set s3. :param s1: First set corresponding to a vertex in the IG. :param s2: Second set corresponding to a vertex in the IG. :return: None. """ s3c = set(s1) s3c.update(set(s2)) s3, fixing_order, G = self.admg.reachable_closure(s3c) s3 = frozenset(s3) self.delete_biedge(s1, s2) # if the intrinsic set already exists, ignore it if s3 in self.vertices: return # add the vertex and add di edges self.add_vertex(s3) self.iset_cadmg_map[s3] = G self.iset_fixing_order_map[s3] = fixing_order self.maintain_subset_relation(s3) # add new bi edges to the added vertex self.add_new_biedges(s3)
[docs] def get_intrinsic_sets(self): """ Get all intrinsic sets for given ADMG. :return: """ # keep merging vertices that are connected # by bidirected edges to obtain new intrinsic # sets until there are none left while len(self.bi_edges) > 0: u, v = next(iter(self.bi_edges)) self.merge(u, v) return set(self.vertices)
[docs] def get_heads_tails(self): """ Iterate through all intrinsic sets and get the recursive heads and tails. :return: List of tuples corresponding to (head, tail). """ # make sure that the graph is fully initialized try: assert len(self.bi_edges) == 0 except AssertionError: print( "There are still bidirected edges indicating more intrinsic sets can be merged" ) heads_and_tails = [] # go through each intrinsic set for iset in self.vertices: # look at the reachable CADMG to determine head/tail reachable_cadmg = self.iset_cadmg_map[iset] head = set() # heads are vertices that are childless in the corresponding reachable CADMG for v in iset: if len(reachable_cadmg.children([v])) == 0: head.add(v) # tail is the remaining intrinsic set + parents of the intrinsic set tail = set(iset - head) tail = tail.union(reachable_cadmg.parents(iset)) heads_and_tails.append((head, tail)) return heads_and_tails