Source code for ananke.models.bayesian_network

import copy
import itertools
from typing import Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np
import pgmpy
import sympy as sp
from pgmpy.factors.discrete import TabularCPD

from ..factors import SymCPD
from ..graphs import DAG

[docs]class BayesianNetwork(DAG): def __init__(self, graph: DAG, cpds: Dict[str, Union[TabularCPD, SymCPD]]): """ A discrete variable Bayesian Network. This is implemented as an augmented ananke.graphs.DAG. :param graph: A DAG :param cpds: A dictionary of vertex names to CPDs. This implementation supports both pgmpy's TabularCPD (numpy-backed) as well as ananke's SymCPD (sympy-backed). """ # TODO: raise error if ADMG not DAG self.cpds = cpds # vertex: CPD super().__init__(vertices=graph.vertices, di_edges=graph.di_edges)
[docs] def fix(self, variables: List[str]): """ Performs an intervention by setting the conditional distribution of each intervened variable to be a point mass at the intervened value. This is a faithful operation (the graph is changed and the associated CPD structure reflects the lack of parents). """ super().fix(list(variables)) if isinstance(variables, dict): for vertex, value in variables.items(): old_cpd = self.cpds[vertex] new_values = np.zeros((old_cpd.variable_card, 1)) new_values[value, :] = 1 if isinstance(old_cpd.values, np.ndarray): new_cpd = old_cpd.__class__( variable=vertex, variable_card=old_cpd.variable_card, values=np.array(new_values), ) else: new_cpd = old_cpd.__class__( variable=vertex, variable_card=old_cpd.variable_card, values=old_cpd.values.__class__(new_values), ) self.cpds[vertex] = new_cpd return self
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def get_cpds(self, vertex): return self.cpds[vertex]
[docs] def to_pgmpy(self): """ Converts into pgmpy.models.BayesianNetwork object. """ from pgmpy.models import BayesianNetwork as PgmpyBayesianNetwork net = PgmpyBayesianNetwork() net.add_nodes_from(self.vertices) net.add_edges_from(self.di_edges) cpds = [ x if isinstance(x, TabularCPD) else x.to_pgmpy() for x in self.cpds.values() ] net.add_cpds(*cpds) return net
[docs]def create_symbolic_cpds(ls_dag, use_uniform_unobs_var=True): if hasattr(ls_dag, "get_cards_dict"): cards = ls_dag.get_cards_dict() else: cards = { v.cardinality for v in ls_dag.vertices.values()} if hasattr(ls_dag, "context_variable"): context_variable = ls_dag.context_variable contexts = ls_dag.contexts else: context_variable = None contexts = None all_vars = list() cpds = dict() for vertex in ls_dag.vertices: vertex_vars = [] param_counter = 1 relevant_vars = sorted( list(ls_dag.parents(vertex)) ) # some subset of all vars not including v fn_map = dict() for i, e in enumerate( itertools.product(*[range(cards[x]) for x in relevant_vars]) ): for j in range(cards[vertex] - 1): # In this if statement, check if intervention occurred val_dict = dict(zip(relevant_vars + [vertex], e + (j,))) values = e + (j,) if use_uniform_unobs_var: if vertex.startswith("U"): fn_map[values] = sp.Rational(1, cards[vertex]) continue if ( context_variable in val_dict and context_variable is not None ): current_context = list(contexts)[val_dict[context_variable]] if vertex in current_context: current_ix = current_context.index(vertex) prob = list(contexts.values())[ val_dict[context_variable] ][current_ix][j] fn_map[values] = sp.Rational(prob) continue if e: symbol = sp.Symbol( f"q_{vertex}_{j}_{''.join([str(x) for x in e])}" ) else: symbol = sp.Symbol(f"q_{vertex}_{j}") fn_map[values] = symbol all_vars.append(symbol) param_counter += 1 def func( vars, relevant_vars=relevant_vars, fn_map=fn_map, func_var=vertex, cards=cards, ): fn_tuple = tuple([vars[x] for x in relevant_vars + [func_var]]) if vars[func_var] == cards[func_var] - 1: all_fn_tuples = [ tuple( [ vars[x] if x != func_var else i for x in relevant_vars + [func_var] ] ) for i in range(cards[func_var] - 1) ] return 1 - sum([fn_map[tup] for tup in all_fn_tuples]) else: return fn_map[fn_tuple] final_values = sp.Array( [ [ func(dict(zip(relevant_vars, e)) | {vertex: i}) for e in itertools.product( *[range(cards[x]) for x in relevant_vars] ) ] for i in range(cards[vertex]) ] ) if relevant_vars: cpd = SymCPD( variable=vertex, variable_card=cards[vertex], values=final_values, evidence=relevant_vars, evidence_card=[cards[v] for v in relevant_vars], ) else: cpd = SymCPD( variable=vertex, variable_card=cards[vertex], values=final_values, ) cpds[vertex] = cpd return cpds, all_vars
[docs]def generate_random_cpds(graph, dir_conc=10, context_variable="S", seed=42): """ Given a graph and a set of cardinalities for variables in a DAG, constructs random conditional probability distributions. Supports optional contexts and context variable to generate CPDs consistent with a context specific DAG for data fusion. :param graph: A graph whose variables have cardinalities, and optionally :type Graph: DAG, ADMG, LSADMG :param dir_conc: The Dirichlet concetration parameter :param context_variable: Name of the context variable """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) cpds = dict() cards = {v: graph.vertices[v].cardinality for v in graph.vertices} for k, v in cards.items(): if v is None: raise ValueError( "Invalid cardinality provided for vertex {}".format(k) ) if hasattr(graph, "contexts"): contexts = list(graph.contexts.keys()) context_distributions = list(graph.contexts.values()) else: contexts = None for vertex in sorted(graph.vertices): parents = sorted(list(graph.parents(vertex))) if context_variable not in parents or contexts is None: if not graph.parents(vertex): values = rng.dirichlet( cards[vertex] * [dir_conc], 1, ).T cpd = TabularCPD( variable=vertex, variable_card=cards[vertex], values=values ) else: values = rng.dirichlet( cards[vertex] * [dir_conc],[cards[x] for x in parents]), ).T cpd = TabularCPD( variable=vertex, variable_card=cards[vertex], values=values, evidence=parents, evidence_card=[cards[x] for x in parents], ) else: no_s_parents = parents.copy() no_s_parents.remove(context_variable) no_s_parents = list(no_s_parents) reordered_parents = [context_variable] + no_s_parents s_specific_values = rng.dirichlet( cards[vertex] * [dir_conc], int([cards[x] for x in no_s_parents])), ).T values = [] for i, context in enumerate(contexts): if vertex in set(context): ix = context.index(vertex) distribution = context_distributions[i][ix] intervened_values = np.tile( distribution, ([cards[x] for x in no_s_parents]), 1), ).T values.append(intervened_values) else: values.append(s_specific_values) values = np.hstack(values) cpd = TabularCPD( variable=vertex, variable_card=cards[vertex], values=values, evidence=reordered_parents, evidence_card=[cards[x] for x in reordered_parents], ) cpds[vertex] = cpd return cpds
[docs]def intervene(net, treatment_dict): """ Performs an intervention on a pgmpy.models.BayesianNetwork, by setting the conditional distribution of each intervened variable to be a point mass at the intervened value. Does not alter the structure of the parents of the network (i.e. is a non-faithful operation). If you have an ananke.models.BayesianNetwork, consider using the .fix(treatment_dict) method instead, which has the further advantage of performing the operation faithfully (the underlying DAG is modified accordingly, and the parents of the intervened variables in that conditional probability distributions are removed). :param net: pgmpy.models.Bayesian Network :type net: pgmpy.models.BayesianNetwork :param treatment_dict: dictionary of variables to values: :type treatment_dict: dict """ net_copy = net.copy() for vertex, value in treatment_dict.items(): old_cpd = net_copy.get_cpds(vertex) old_values = old_cpd.get_values() new_values = np.zeros(old_values.shape) new_values[value, :] = 1 new_cpd = TabularCPD( variable=vertex, variable_card=old_cpd.variable_card, values=new_values, evidence=old_cpd.variables[1:], evidence_card=old_cpd.cardinality[1:], ) net_copy.add_cpds(new_cpd) return net_copy