Source code for ananke.identification.missing_id

Class for missing ID

[docs]class MissingFullID: def __init__(self, graph): """ Constructor :param graph: Missing data graph to run the ID algorithm on """ self.graph = graph
[docs] def id(self): """ Function to ID the full law :return: boolean is ID or not """ for Ri in self.graph.vertices: # Only look at the missingness indicators in the list of vertices if not Ri.startswith("R_"): continue # Find children of Ri that are not in proxy set Xp child_Ri = set( [v for v in self.graph.children([Ri]) if v.startswith("R_")] ) # Find Markov blanket of the set {Ri, child_Ri} and add back child_Ri to the set colluding_path_Ri = self.graph.markov_blanket( set.union({Ri}, child_Ri) ).union(child_Ri) # Find Xi (the counterfactual X with the corresponding missingness indicator Ri) Xi = "X_" + Ri.split("_")[1] # If Xi is in colluding_path_Ri, then there is a colluding path between Ri and Xi. # Therefore, full law is not ID. if Xi in colluding_path_Ri: return False return True